Corruption scandal in the EP | What we need to do now!

Many of you have asked me about the corruption scandal in the European Parliament. I have to say I am still super shocked by what happened. Here are some first thoughts: What happened: Apparently, 6 people got arrested and 4 charged this weekend, likely for receiving money from Qatar. Among them are former assistants, a […]

4 learnings from the Italian elections

WE ARE STILL AT A CROSSROADS, AND IT’S UP TO YOU WHERE WE WILL END UP The election result in Italy will have consequences for all of us across Europe. Below are my takeaways from Sunday’s election. Sorry if it’s not the most uplifting read… but you have the power to make things better!   […]

Ukraine’s future is European – A summary of my trip to Kyiv

Last week, we spent two days in Kyiv. The aim was not a publicity stunt, but to push for more visibility on the situation in and around Kyiv and to get a better idea of what we can do from an EU policy-making perspective. Below is what I took away from my trip and what […]

Historic deal on new electoral law | 28 MEPs to be elected via European ballot

We have a deal! After intense negotiations, the negotiators of the largest four political groups agreed yesterday night on a new and very ambitious electoral law act. This deal defines Parliament’s position, which will have to be confirmed by the committee and plenary within this and the following month. The French presidency will then take […]

2021 review

Hey everyone – after a busy year, here is a little recap of what happened and what’s to come. We negotiated 5 laws this year: ❤️‍🩹Recovery Fund: developed a new methodology for 256bn green spending 🍀💪 👩‍💻Blue Card: turned into a tech visa (no degree needed) & allowed people to take ‘years’ towards long term […]

The European Commission fails to listen to political newcomers!

Ambitious reform ideas for democracy vanish into minimal tweaks Today, the European Commission agreed on its Democracy Package aiming to strengthen Europe’s democratic foundations and institutions. The package includes a reform of the statute of European political parties and political foundations (European Parties) (Regulation 1141/2014), a reform of rules for the way European citizens vote […]

Don’t forget the 95% – why Europe needs to seize opportunities of labour migration

Every year, millions move to the EU to find new job and a new life. The vast majority, around 95%, arrive via regular channels. Sadly, Europe decided to focus on the remaining 5%, the irregular arrivals. Controlling our external borders and influencing the “root causes” of migration dominate both the public narrative and policymaking, while the opportunities of […]

The Recovery Fund (RRF) goes live – and I got to play a part!

Right after I entered the European Parliament in Summer 2019, we started working on a reform of the economic architecture of the EU. This week, 18 months later, voted in the European Parliament with overwhelming majority (see photo) on the centrepiece of the Recovery Fund, the Recovery and Resilience Facility. At €672.5 billion, it is […]