My undisputed highlight this year were of course the European Elections! Since the moment we started Volt 8 years ago, we have been aiming to enter Parliament from multiple countries – under the same name and programme. This year we managed! With Parliamentarians in the European Parliament from both the Netherlands and Germany, we are getting closer to our prime goal of becoming a real European party. What a huge step that is for a movement still as young as ours! And we are still growing – with delegates to two national parliaments and lots of representatives in local or regional councils, Volt is beginning to impact the everyday life of Europeans and change Europe for the better.
For me personally, the change was a huge one. Now I suddenly have a whole team surrounding me here in Parliament, filling the offices and corridors with life, fun and creative ideas. I can exchange with like-minded people about the way we want to shape the future of Europe. Anna and Reinier, Nela, Kai and I have built up mutual trust and true friendship across our different backgrounds or languages. And together, we speak with one voice in the European Parliament – the voice of Volt!
And there’s so many new faces that have adapted to their new tasks in no time, working hard and sharing the same spirit to make as much impact as possible in this house. This is what we owe to the thousands of you who have placed your trust in us! In our first meetings together, we set the goal to become the best team in Parliament. It’s a process we are all constantly working on. But personally, I can already say I couldn’t wish for a better team. It is a privilege to work with all these motivated and determined people from all over Europe!