European Data Sharing Champions podcast

In this EDSC podcast episode, Damian Boeselager, member of the EU Parliament and founder of the pan-European party VOLT, discusses the complexities of data regulation and the evolving landscape of digital rights. He highlights the Data Act, a comprehensive law aiming to regulate the flow of non-personal data across all sectors, distinguishing between different types […]

Volt Ihr mehr Europa? with Damian Boeselager

Damian Boeselager has been a member of the European Parliament since 2019. He represents Volt, which describes itself as “pan-European”, “pragmatic” and “progressive” party. We talk to him about his political vision for Europe, his concrete work in the EU Parliament and cycling in Copenhagen. Damian also talks about how he became politically active and […]

Understanding democracy: The European Union (DE)

Interview with ARD on the European Parliament, electoral law and EU reform. Starts at minute 23:17,

Closer to an agreement on EU Asylum reform (DE)

For a whole day, the Council and the EU Parliament struggled to reach a compromise. They succeeded on some points, such as the border procedure and crisis situations. Others remain disputed. (…) Damian Boeselager, who is negotiating for the Greens faction, said that he would not be surprised “if the Parliament moves more towards the […]

Ukraine: EU accession negotiations in sight?

EU Commission recommends accession talks with Ukraine: Interview with Damian Boeselager, Member of the European Parliament, Volt Here you can listen to the entire interview:

The Data Act – Opportunities and potential hurdles (DE)

The EP and Council reached an agreement on the Data Act. MEP Damian Boeselager (Volt) discusses what this means for businesses concretely with Tim Krögel, Head of the representation of the German Association of Crafts:

Ukraine: EU accession negotiations in sight?

EU Commission recommends accession talks with Ukraine: Interview with Damian Boeselager, Member of the European Parliament, Volt. Starts at minute 1:15:

Auslegungssache 97: Aus dem EU Maschinenraum (DE)

How does a trilogue work, what do lobbyists do in the policy-making process and what was my role in all of this? In this podcast with c’t, I explain how my two data laws, the Data Act and the Data Governance Act, came about. Los gehts in Minute 13:13 hier: